Saturday, May 8, 2021

IoT 17CS71 Module 1 Question Bank

Module 1

  1. Define IOT. Explain evolution phase of IOT

  2. Compare IT and OT ? How IoT can play vital role in bridging the gap.

  3. How IoT can impact the society. Explain using a case study of India.

  4. What aspects are important to build an IoT based network architecture.

  5. Explain Architecture of IOT Network with its comparison.

  6. Difference Between IT and IOT also list the challenges of IOT.

  7. With neat diagram explain simplified IOT Architecture.

  8. Explain Concept of IOT data management with diagram.

  9. What is the role of things and Internet in IoT?

  10. What is IoT? Explain components in IoT.

  11. What are the differences between machines in M2M and Things in IoT?

  12. Explain evolutionary phases of the internet.

  13. Illustrate the challenges of IoT and their impact, with any example.

  14. List and explain the challenges and problems that IoT is currently facing.

  15. Explain oneM2M IoT Standardized Architecture with a neat diagram.

  16. Explain the IoT architectural drivers.

  17. With a neat diagram explain the IoTWF standardized architecture.

  18. Explain in detail the expanded simplified IoT architecture.

  19. Explain in detail the communication network layer. Illustrate the various access technologies with respect to distances.

  20. Explain the 2 types of gateway and backhaul sublayers.

  21. With a neat diagram explain the fog computing model along with its defining characteristics.

  22. What is edge computing? Explain with example.

  23. Illustrate the hierarchy of edge, fog and cloud with a neat diagram.

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